Equestrian Fencing
Your source for secure, horse-friendly fencing in Devon which is trusted by the equestrian industry. We have installed fencing at equestrian centres, farms and horse friendly b&b's among others! Whatever your equine fencing requirements we're sure we'll be able to help you.
When you're looking to install new equestrian fencing or adapt existing fencing you need to take into consideration both what you're keeping inside the fencing and what you're keeping out.
Types of Equine Fencing
One of the most popular equine fencing is timber post and rail, which could be sawn post and rail or half round rails on round posts. An alternative could be stud fencing, which has a smaller sized hole to stop horses getting their hooves or legs caught in the netting, it is made from high tensile galvanised wire. If you need advice on which fencing would be best for your requirements call us and we'll be happy to help you.
If you have any questions, would like more information or
would like to discuss your requirements then please contact us.
01769 580096 / 07713248744 / colinweeksfencing@aol.co.uk